
Episode 56. Let's create a lesson together and celebrate one year on the air!

Episode 53. What does TPRS actually look like? An immersion in a Japanese lesson.

Episode 49. What are Languages for Specific Purposes? (with guest Lourdes Sánchez-López)

Spanish for Specific Purposes Certificate at UAB

Applied Professional Spanish major at UAB

Sánchez-López, L. (2019b). SPSP-CDC Best Practices at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB): Linear and Intentional, Never Set and Done.

In Moving Forward with Spanish for the Professions and Specific Purposes State-of-the-State Feature (with Michael S. Doyle and Enrica Ardemagni, pp. 473-501). Hispania. Volume 102, number 4: 491-496.

Mary Risner , University of Florida (expert in K-12 LSP),

Darcy Lear, University of Chicago (expert in weaving LSP elements into the general introductory language curriculum),

Michael S. Doyle, UNC Charlotte (Curriculum Development Activism -CDA; expert in Business language teaching)

International Symposium on Languages for Specific Purposes (ISLSP) 2022 International Symposium on Languages for Specific Purposes to be held at the University of Chicago (Stay tuned!)

King Ramirez, Carmen, and Barbara A. Lafford. Transferable Skills for the 21st Century. Preparing Students for the Workplace through World Languages for Specific Purposes. Sabio Books, 2019. Pp. 352. ISBN 978-0-578-45809-0

Lafford, B., Abbott, A., & Lear, D. (2014). Spanish in the professions and in the community. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 1(2), 171-186.

Lear, D. (2019). Integrating career preparation into language courses. Washington, D. C.: Georgetown University Press. Long, Mary (2017).

Language for Specific Purposes: Trends in Curriculum Development. Georgetown University Press. Risner, Mary & Spaine Long, Sheri, Guest Editors (2020).

LSP Vectors: Strengthening Interdisciplinary Connections. Special Issue in Global Business Languages Journal. Volume 20.

Sánchez-López, L. (2019). “Contemporary issues in Spanish for Specific Purposes in the United States”. Interview. Cuadernos de ALDEEU. Volume 22, pp: 279-292 Sánchez-López, L (Ed.) (2013).

Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes. UAB Digital Collections (ISBN 978-0-9860107-0-5) (pp. 151)

Sánchez-López, L. (2018). “Languages and Specific Purposes: Overview and Practical Advise”,

inaugural podcast of the World Languages 21 podcast series, Sabio Books (hosted by Carmen King de Ramirez and Diana Ruggiero).

Episodes 45 & 46. Songs to talk about social change and social justice?

Songs used in the class

"Blackbird" by the Beatles (UK)

"Oxford Town" by Bob Dylan (US)

“Concierto de Aranjuez” by Joaquín Rodrigo (Spain) the Adage (one of the three movements of the Aranjuez Concert)

"99 Luftballons" by Nena (Germany)

"Afilando los cuchillos" by Residente, Ile, and Bad Bunny (Puerto Rico)

"Nothing to My Name" by Cui Jian (China)

"Independence Cha-Cha" from the film Lumumba: The Death of a Prophet (Congo)

"Douce France" by Charles Trenet, esp. the version by Carte de Séjour (France)

"Ue Wo muite arukou" / "Sukiyaki" by Kyu Sakamoto (Japan)

"Gracias a la vida" by Violeta Parra (Chile)

Episode 38. Work smarter, not harder. An episode about authentic resources and multiple uses

The film referenced in the show can be found on YouTube at this link

Episode 33. What does Bill VanPatten have to stay about input and error correction?

SOLPHE plenary (referenced by BVP during the recording)

Situating instructed language acquisition: facts about second language acquisition (By BVP)


Episode 29. How do we equip our students for the future? (aka global seal of proficiency)

Episode 28. FIVE steps to build a successful escape room activity (aka in person and digital breakout!)

Episode 24. How incorporating play in the classroom improves language skills and enrollment (with guest Linda Markley)